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Our Work

We are forwarding to an inclusive and intelligent construction industry



Analysis of Technology User and Gender Bias in Practice

We conducted gender scores analysis of equipment operators' job posters and interviewed seven practices to understand their technology use practice, teleoperated robotics potentials, and their worker hiring and performance evaluation practice


Usman Rasheed, Jiannan Cai, Xiaohong Xu, Yuqing Hu, and Shuai Li. (2024). Equipment Teleoperation and Its Impacts on Future Worker and Workforce in Construction: Semi-structured interviews. CI & CRC Joint Conference 2024, Under Review. Status = UNDER_REVIEW.

Yaxian Dong, Yuqing Hu, Jiannan Cai, Xiaohong Xu, and Shuai Li.Building Diversity in the Construction Industry: Examining Hiring and Performance Evaluation Practices for Equipment Operators under the Trend of Technology Transformation CI & CRC Joint Conference 2024, Under Review. Status = UNDER_REVIEW.


Human Performance and Perception in Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)

We conducted experiments to evaluate the interaction of human-robot and assess gender difference of human beings



Usman Rasheed, Xiaoyun Liang, Jiannan Cai, Shuai Li, and Yuqing Hu. (2023). Motion-based Control Interface for Intuitive and Efficient Teleoperation of Construction Robots. i3CE 2023: 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Accepted.. Status = ACCEPTED.


Liang, X. Rasheed, Cai, J., Wibranek, B. & Awolusi, I. (2023) Workers’ Perception and Acceptance of Collaborative Robots in Construction Using the Technology Acceptance Model. ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2023. (accepted). Status = ACCEPTED.


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Robotic Learning

We conduct imitation learning to enhance the robot collaborations with human workers


Mengjun Wang, Yan Li, and Shuai Li (2024). GPT-Based Robot Assembly of Interlocking Blocks for Smart Construction. CI & CRC Joint Conference 2024, Under Review.. Status = UNDER_REVIEW


BIM and Blockchain integration

We built a platform to achieve BIM and blockchain system data integration for construction progress tracking and change propagation


Yaxian Dong, Yuqing Hu, Shuai Li, Jiannan Cai, and Zhu Han (2023). BIM and Blockchain-based Automatic Asset Tracking in Digital Twin for Modular. i3CE 2023: 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Accepted. Status = ACCEPTED.

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